Our purpose is to enhance the serious pursuit of liberal education and of America's Founding principles and practice. Hosting dinners, lectures, and seminars by both outside speakers and Baylor faculty on American and Western history, literature, drama, art, architecture, philosophy, religion, poetry, economics, and politics. AHI Waco sponsors and organizes the annual David and Mary Nichols Conference on the Great Books.
To make the choices required of an informed, virtuous leadership in a liberal republic, students need above all to learn and be driven by the awareness that truth matters. The Institute will stand against dogmatism and indoctrination, and for the liberal learning that results from a willingness to change one's mind when one is convinced by rational argument. The Institute will assist our students by providing a beautiful place and the intellectual climate, culture, and social opportunities conducive to the pursuit of the permanent human questions of religious, moral, economic, and political nature.
Thank you for supporting AHI Waco and our mission.